Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Slow and Steady

As I noted last week, summer break has caused us to slow down a little. But it's nice to see that donations continue to come in steadily. We're up to 47 percent -- almost half way to our goal!

If you're a student, I hope you're enjoying your break. If you're a faculty member, staff person or alumni, soak in the relative calm and tranquility of the campus. No matter who you are or where you are, consider making a donation to the MSU Nothing But Nets Team.

When most groups ask for a donation, they start by asking for $50 or $100. To me, the great thing about the Nothing But Nets program is the opportunity to do so much good for so little money. The cost of a bed net -- $10 -- is an amount that most people can afford without too much sacrifice. Every time I slap a mosquito, I think about the family that's using the net I provided. And I feel good.

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