Thursday, May 29, 2008

Farewell to Sue

First, thanks to everyone who has supported the MSU Nothing But Nets Team! We're up to just over 49 percent of our goal -- your generosity and willingness to help is so amazing.

To me, the beauty of our Nothing But Nets team is it's ability to embody both MSU's land-grant heritage and the university's movement forward to become a "global-grant" university that uses its research to help people worldwide.

Second, I'd like to thank and say good-bye to Sue Nichols, my colleague who helped me brainstorm and make the MSU Nothing But Nets team a reality. Sue has posted here a few times, but her contributions behind the scenes have helped make this program the success it is. She's moving down to the University of Michigan to become director of communications and marketing for the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Energy Institute. I'm horribly sad to see her go, but this is a great opportunity for her and I wish her much success. We shall carry on without her and may be able to get her to pop in once in a while.

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