Thursday, September 25, 2008


So here is the deal with iVote. I know this has all been a little confusing, but believe me -- I'm just as confused as the rest of us. I think the guy in charge may have multiple personalities because he keeps changing his mind/the plan for how things are supposed to run.

But anyway, here is OUR deal -- we're going to meet in the TA office on the third floor of North Kedzie (room 306) at 5. Once everyone is there, we'll make our way over to the Breslin Center. We don't really have all that much to set up (just a banner, a sign up sheet, and some t-shirts). Then, we'll be at the Breslin Center at our table until 7, when the concert starts. I think we should just leave at 7. Everyone will be in the concert at that time anyway, so it's kind of pointless for us to hang around. If anyone wants to stay and enjoy the concert, you're more than welcome to, but I'm going to leave at 7.

That's about it. Please e-mail me back and tell me if you can or cannot make it so that I have an idea of how many people we're going to have. Here are the people who are signed up right now:

Ashley (are you going to with us or your other group?)
Danielle Donovan
Danielle Pombier and hubby

Also, if you have a Buzzkill t-shirt, please wear it. If you don't have a Buzzkill shirt and you want one, you can purchase one in the TA office before we go (they're $10). If you want a shirt and can't be at the TA office, just tell me what size you are and I'll bring it to the concert.

Hope this clarified everything. Sorry again for the confusion.


Mosquito T-shirts

Hi guys:

Since the majority of you are working with our friends the insects, I thought that you might like to have an eye on the link bellow. It is actually an online museum created by some guys in the UK (maybe some of you already know this web site museum) . The museum aims to show high resolution/definition pictures of the mini/micro world. Hence this beautiful collection of insect portraits. As a photographer, I have never seen microphotographs as focused and clean as this. Having pictures like this is just impossible with normal techniques. Anyway, the guy explained to me that they used stereomicroscopy coupled with a software to compile images taken at different focuses. Check the definition of those pictures, it is just amazing!

I thought that a picture of the portrait of a mosquito (of the type that you have on the website) on a T-shirt would be great. A friend of mine that is a stylist in Paris already made T-shirts with insects on them and those had a lot of success. I think that having a well-designed T-shirt would be great. People would buy our T-shirt because they would be making a good action but also because they would have a really nice T-shirt to show to their friends. We live in a world where people care so much about the way they look.

Grégoire Seyrig, MSc
Graduate Student
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Center for Microbial Ecology

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept. 18 Meeting Notes


I hope everyone had a great weekend...I know I did (in the library!!).

Here are the minutes from our meeting last Thursday.

Things to Do:
  • Save lives.
  • Get some pamphlets developed explaining about malaria and the goals of STOMP.
  • Arrange another tabling day -- possibly during a football game. I'm sending an e-mail out to the appropriate people (thank you Rachel) concerning getting a table during a football game. We should also think about having a table in front of the Rock on another day.
  • T-shirt Design. Have Gabe set up a competition with his classes to design a t-shirt logo for us. Everyone who submits an entry gets 5 points extra credit. The winning designer also gets a free t-shirt and a free lunch with Gabe.
  • Get another banner made that doesn't say "National Awareness Day" on it so that we can use it year round.
  • Get the Stephen Colbert picture of him holding up a "Buzzkill" t- shirt blown up into a poster or something of the sort.
  • Rachel is taking care of the window display in Nat. Sci. (thanks again Rachel).
  • Possible mosquito costume??
  • See if we can get registered for Autumnfest. I'm sending out an e- mail to the appropriate person for this (Rachel, just assume I'm going to say thank you for everything).
  • And last, but certainly not least, iVote. Thanks to Ashley who went to the meeting, STOMP is scheduled to be a part the iVote Concert that is this Thursday, Sept. 25. I'm attaching all of the information that Ashley sent me below so that nothing gets lost in translation. The only thing that has come up is that instead of us being allowed to have 10 people at our table, we're only allowed to have 4. However, they still are going to give us 6 extra concert tickets so that 10 of us in total can get in. I had to give 4 names to the guy for security purposes so I gave my name, Gabe, Derek, and Danielle Donovan (Ashley I figured that you signed up with your other group). The rest of the people that expressed interest in going (Greg, Levi, Rachel, Danielle Pombier and hubby) there will for sure be tickets for you. I think the guy was just nervous about it getting too crowded around the tables. If any of the 4 people that I put down are a little unsure about going, I can switch your name with someone else and simply get a ticket for you. Just let me know.
Thats about all for now. Also, plan on having another meeting Oct. 1, same time same place (4:30 p.m. in 244 Nat Sci). This seemed to work out well for most people.

Thank you to everyone.

We're doing some really cool things that are going to help a lot of people that really need it. It's going to take a lot of effort, but it's really awesome to be a part of something so beautiful.

Talk to you all later.


P.S. Try to bring someone new to our meeting on the 1st

Here are the 2 e-mails from Ashley:

iVote is taking place on Thursday September 25,2008 set up begins at 4 and continues until 5:30 (doors open at 6) each group will get two platform badges and 8 tickets (a total of ten for each) we will come in through the ticket office, parking is yet to be worked out by ASMSU and the Breslin Center As I understand it, however each member needs a MSU ID to get into the Breslin. (Skye- I don't think Michael and Brandon will be allowed in)

It's best that everyone arrives together, but not imparative if people come later someone has to meet them outside to give them a ticket to get in.

  • respect sound checks... or else you will get kicked out...
  • 4 people working each table at a time
  • you cannot sell t-shirts (sorry Aaron!) and you also can't raffle
  • each voter registration needs to have the student's e-mail address at the top right hand corner and must sign twice at the bottom
  • Uvote will have a table to direct questions
  • try to get people to register in Ingham County
  • explain that first time voters cannot fill out absentee ballots
  • pens and clipboards will not be provided by ASMSU.
Rules and Guidelines for RSO fair:

1) Each RSO must send a representative to out iVote Info/Train meeting Sept. 17 (check). : )
2) Each RSO must work and participate in registering students to vote.
3) RSOs may not solicit or bribe students to register to vote.
4) Voter registration forms must be filled out completely and legibly.
5) Form should be checked by the RSO before being turned in.
6) Incomplete forms will not be counted.
7) Each form should have an e-mail address written in the top right- hand corner.
8) Each RSO must have a representative at their table at all times before and after the concert.
9)Each RSO must turn in a sealed packet of Voter Registration Applications at the end of the event.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meeting Today (Sept. 17)

This is just a friendly reminder to everyone that STOMP is having a meeting this afternoon (Sept. 17) at 4:30pm in Natural Science Room #244.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Have a great day!


P.S. Try to bring someone with you that you think may be interested in what we're doing.

Monday, September 15, 2008

STOMP (Students Taking on Malaria Prevention) is back!! So all you anopheles gambiae -- watch out!

Dear STOMPers:

I know we're already a few weeks into school, but welcome back. I hope that everyone had a great summer. But now that we're back, we've got some life-saving work to do!

First things first -- we need to meet again. I've talked to some STOMPers recently about times that will work for them and it's looking like Wednesday around 4:30 works best. So September 17th at 4:30 p.m. we're going to meet in room 244 of the Natural Science building. I hope that this time and place works for most, if not all of you.

Second, and we'll talk about this more at the meeting, I've signed us up for the iVote event that is coming to campus. It's for RSOs and it looks like it will be great publicity for us and possibly help us get more STOMPers. Not to mention -- it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! I'm pasting the description of the event below.

Other things we're going to discuss at the meeting (tentatively):
  • goals for the upcoming year
  • formal positions for people
  • other events that we can put on/take part in
  • adopting a village in Africa
  • partnering up with a study abroad
  • bringing STOMP the Broadway show and Stevie Wonder (you're welcome Gabe) to campus.
Needless to say, this is going to be a fun-filled and important meeting so that we can get our year started off right!

Please contact me back and tell me if you'll be able to make this meeting. If you can't make the meeting, please tell me what times would work best for you.

Talk to you all soon.

Aaron Schaer